NoExit Homepage 
Main Navigation - The visitors could explore the content as it was a videogame. The Website included many, many references to the video games and pop culture. ( for the example, in the image above we can see metal slug and a NES reference,a DeLorean or trunks time travel machine.
The Website was fully Interactive - Here interacting / kiling a zombie in the stage.
Here the contacts page where you could actually interact with the cabin phone, while at the same time playing tic tac toe against the computer. The website had also a social connection to facebook that when you sign in, the content of the page would change to your personal one. For example, the images on the left would be replaced by your own or/and friends images that were available on facebook.
This section was created to give the users an animated and interactive place where they could play some mini games.
About Us Page 
Meet The Team Page 
Services Page - Using Stage3D for option Selections
NO3XIT Website

NO3XIT Website

Development of No3xit Entertainment Website
